Green Energy Provider: enhanced connectivity and team efficiency
Overcoming situational challenges to improve internet connectivity and signal reliability at a bio gas plant. Control and Shift implemented a wireless ‘mesh’ system at a bio gas plant located in a quarry. The solution has significantly improved team communications and effectiveness.

We are quite a fast-moving business, so we required an IT provider who could move quickly, fix problems effectively and without unnecessary delays

About the client
Our customer is a green energy provider which converts food waste into bio gas and then into either electricity or methane gas. As the location of the main agricultural site is in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the decision was taken to construct the bio gas plant in a quarry, ensuring that it would be hidden from view. The plant has been in operation for 8 years and now employs 10 staff.
The Challenge
As the business has grown from agricultural to industrial, the infrastructure did not develop at the same speed. In the earlier years, the main control room was fit for purpose but as the team grew, the office structure became more spread out around the site and the IT networks were not reliable, meaning that engineers were not able to communicate with each other effectively and safely.
Being located in a quarry was a hindrance to communications and connectivity, meaning the signal strength and reliability were causing operational issues on site.
Additionally, as the plant is producing bio gas, there are strict safety regulations regarding the placement of electrical equipment to comply with DSEAR regulations.

Their engineer suspected it may be a switch that had failed so when he visited the site, he’d already purchased the replacement part and could fix it straight away.
The Solution
“We are quite a fast-moving business, so we required an IT provider who could move quickly, fix problems effectively and without unnecessary delays”, stated the Plant Manager.
Control and Shift was introduced by another business services provider, Triton Telecoms. We felt confident that the solution proposed by Control and Shift could be implemented relatively quickly and without significant adjustment.
Control and Shift installed a wireless ‘mesh’ system which provides seamless connectivity for the team as they move around the site. The engineers have benefited directly as they now have good signal strength and reliability. The Ubiquiti system allows them to manage and monitor each of the six access points from a centralised console.
This now allows connectivity from any location within the quarry and on all sides of the plant buildings and machinery.
The Results
While it is not measured directly, our client has seen a marked improvement in team effectiveness as a result of the new IT systems.
Engineers use an online maintenance package. All parts and equipment are barcoded and engineers can scan any item and enter details of work done directly at the point of activity rather than having to return to an office and entering it separately. The improved internet connectivity means that this system is now more efficiently used and is improving engineers’ effectiveness.
“We are also pleased with the on-going support received from Control and Shift. For example, we had an issue that we called into Control and Shift. Their engineer suspected it may be a switch that had failed so when he visited the site, he’d already purchased the replacement part and could fix it straight away. This level of service and proactivity meets our expectations and doesn’t impact our operation through unnecessary downtime.”
“We enjoy working in unique environments such as the bio gas plant, and especially where IT can provide to have a material benefit to the business. With the continued growth of the site, we are looking forward to contributing to their future projects,” adds Rob Savage, Managing Director, Control and Shift.
If you’d like to learn more about how Control and Shift delivers unique solutions in challenging situations, please contact the team.