Our helpline is always helpful
24 February 2021
![Our helpline is always helpful](https://www.armstrongbell.co.uk/uploads/_CGSmartImage/img-70437c5ae1c4a4c7e624b945e5def4b5.jpg)
I read a newspaper article this week lamenting the death of the customer telephone helpline. If you call many companies now you simply get a recorded message noting that:
- Due to COVID we are running at reduced levels
- Therefore you are highly unlikely to ever speak to one of us (my phrasing)
- Please check the Frequently Asked Questions section of our website instead
Trouble is, very frequently my question is not listed on the FAQ section, and anyway - we call a helpline to discuss an issue with someone, to have a two-way conversation where we can ask extra questions and confirm that we understand the replies.
Maybe the death of the helpline has been exaggerated, but it does feel like another adjustment COVID has brought that will not simply reverse in future. And that doesn’t seem like progress does it?
Our customers at Control and Shift would not see that as progress, and they needn’t worry. Having a 3rd line engineer answer the phone to our customers is a central part of our ethos. You can – and will always be able to – have a two-way conversation about your issue and ask whatever extra questions you need to.
I didn’t expect that to become our USP, but I think it might just be becoming one!
If you are looking for more access to technical help & advice then please do get in touch on 0333 344 8443 or via hello@controlandshift.com.
You might also like to read our previous article on Getting more from Teams, 10 February 2021